Friday, 18 March 2016

Journal Entry #8: Digital Law

What I found most surprising about this unit is that if something bad happens on the internet to you like if someone were to post and inappropriate photo, it can be easy to remove it if you contact the right people.

What i found most confusing is that there is a lot of information in this section and I kept getting answers mixed up with different answers.

Personally I dont think it is that helpful because nobody really cares about copy right issues.

I think that the website "" is a usefully and helpful sight because if anyone has trouble online they can contact them for help.

I think that the biggest issue with young people copy writing is not knowing the consequences.

I think that the biggest issue with young people cyber bullying is them also not knowing the consequences and not realizing what the victims are going through.         

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Assignment #2: CyberBullying (and Privacy)

1."Visit the site's page on "The Law and Reporting." What are two actions that can violate someone's privacy?"
  • who is in a place where the person might be expected to change or remove clothing (e.g. bedroom, bathroom, change room, cabin, tent);
  • where the recording is done for sexual reasons.
    2."There are four other sections on this page about laws in Canada. Identify two of them and provide one example from each section that would be considered an unlawful act."

  • . Online Luring: a situation where one person (typically an adult but not always) communicates with a young person through technology (like texting, instant messaging, emailing) to make it easier to commit a specific sexual offence against that young person. An example of a communication that could qualify as online luring is if the person asks, hints at or tries to convince the young person to create or send naked or semi-naked sexual pictures or videos.
  • Making Sexually Explicit Material Available to a Person under 18: showing or sending material like pornography to a child to make it easier to commit a sexual offence against the child.
Acts that Hurt the Reputation of another Person
  • Defamatory Libel: publicly making statements about another person that are likely to hurt their reputation or cause others to treat them badly or ridicule them (e.g. posting online that another person is a racist).
  • Impersonation: pretending or claiming to be someone else (living or dead) to benefit yourself or someone else, to hurt the person you are pretending to be or to hurt another person.
  •  Police
  1. Search online for the agency that is responsible for policing in your area.
  1. Phone the detachment, let them know your age and tell them what has happened.
  • Options Other than Reporting
  1. Speak to a safe adult such as a parent, teacher, or school counsellor for advice. Adults can offer insight and options that you or your friends may not have considered and have more authority to address concerns.
  1. If you are not able to identify a safe adult to talk to, contact Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) and speak with a counsellor to receive help on what to do next.
  1. If you are unable or unwilling to seek support from family, another safe adult or a counsellor, talk to a close friend.

3."Cite three examples on how you can report a potential crime."

  • Police
  1. Search online for the agency that is responsible for policing in your area.
  2. Phone the detachment, let them know your age and tell them what has happened.


  1. Go to to tell us about your concern.
  2. Call our toll-free line if you would prefer to make a report over the phone (1-866-658-9022)

  • Options Other than Reporting
  1. Speak to a safe adult such as a parent, teacher, or school counsellor for advice. Adults can offer insight and options that you or your friends may not have considered and have more authority to address concerns.
  2. If you are not able to identify a safe adult to talk to, contact Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) and speak with a counsellor to receive help on what to do next.
  3. If you are unable or unwilling to seek support from family, another safe adult or a counsellor, talk to a close friend.

 4.At the main page, there are eight sections (Learn More About...). Select two of them (we just explored "The Law and Reporting") and in a small paragraph provide some information about each section. Consider information that you think is helpful or you did not know about. The section on "Removing Pictures/Videos" is a very good resource.

  • I think that is a great site because if you or someone else is sharing unwanted or inappropriate photos about you, you can contact this website and they will help you take down the photo. This is under " Removing pictures/videos ".

  • " The Law and Reporting " This is also a good section because it gives an idea on what to do if you are put into this situation and also information on certain criminal offences in Canada to help give you a general understanding of the type of behavior that could be illegal and result in charges by police, as well as the places to report these issues.


5".Visit the site's page on #ChangeTheStory. Scroll down and watch the three short videos. Provide one thing that you found interesting about one of the videos."

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Assignment #1: Copyright and Copy-wrong

1. Fair dealings protects for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire, and parody.
2. Up to 10% of another persons work can be copied under fair dealings.
3. No because according to copy right law copying or communicating multiple short excerpts from the same copyright-protected work with the intention of copying or communicating substantially the entire work is prohibited.
4. A fee can be charged but it must be intended to cover only the costs of the institution, including overhead costs.
5. Yes teachers can copy and use other's work for the purpose of teaching and tests.
6. No they must have permission from the owner to make a large print book.
7. Yes teachers and students can use audio or video for school projects at school
8. Yes, students are allowed to play or perform music that is copyrighted.
9. No, schools are not permitted to play music at their dances but, SOCAN and Re:Sound can provide licences to schools and school boards across Canada.
10. The key questions are:
-  Did the music use occur during school hours?
-  Will the student be graded on the activity involving the music use?
-  Does the music use involve a demonstration by a student or teacher for other students, teachers, -assessors, or parents?
-  Is it reasonable to consider the music use to be for educational purposes?
-  Was the music used on school premises?
-  If admission was controlled, was it free?
-  Was the music use for a non-profit purpose?
11. The Copyright Act contains a users’ right permitting anyone, not just students and teachers, to use copyright-protected works to create new works. This users’ right is referred to in the Copyright Act as “non-commercial user-generated content.”
12. The Copyright Act permits showing an audiovisual work such as a DVD or video as long as the work is not an infringing copy or the person responsible for the showing has no reasonable grounds to believe it is an infringing copy.
13. No, teachers cannot copy an audiovisual work at home and then show it in the classroom. Teachers can, however, show a legally obtained copy in the classroom. A legally obtained copy includes a copy purchased or rented from a retail store, a copy borrowed from the library, a copy borrowed from a friend, and a YouTube video.
14. A owner of a copy of a computer program may make one backup copy of the program. The person must be able to prove that the backup copy is erased as soon as he or she ceases to be the owner of the copy of the computer program from which the backup was made.
15. Yes. Educational institutions, teachers, and students may save, download, and share publicly available Internet materials, as well as use that material in the classroom and communicate it to students or others within their education circle.
16. Yes. Any original work created by a student is protected.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Journal Entry #6 Digital Business

With digital business I don't find anything really surprising but something that is kinda surprising is the amount of people that stay at home to shop and don't even leave the house. What was hard to find in this unit was some of the information we had to find in PayPal and Google Wallet and comparing the two.I have bought a lot of stuff online before from clothes, drinks, games, gift cards and many others . Also I have never sold anything online but I have put ads for stuff online later being sold in person.You have to be very careful when buying stuff online because people will try to scam you and try to get more money than the item is worth . The biggest issue with young people buying and/or selling is either believing that the product is worth as much as the seller says even if very overpriced.

Journal Entry #5 Digital Wellness

What I find surprising is that even though everybody knows the consequences and results of texting and driving or even getting distracted while driving, they still do it anyway. Also people don't think that things can happen to them because they are "good" at texting and driving but they don't realize that anything can happen . In this unit I didn't find anything confusing, it was all really straight forward. The biggest issue when it comes to young people is that all the technology is making is super hard for young people wanting to go outside and play. Why go outside and go for a bike ride in the warm weather with your friends when you can stay in your own room and do it?  

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Journal Entry #7: Digital Access

             What I found most surprising about this unit was that small communities are getting more of an advantage to high-speed internet than very big cities are getting. I found it difficult to think of three positive and negative things for the situations we were given. I think I found it difficult because the positive and negative things I was thinking of were similar to each other. I do think everyone should have fast, reliable internet because it is very frustrating if you don't have it and the companies would get a lot of complaints. No place deserves faster internet. I am never nervous about my privacy online when I share something because I feel like I can trust the internet and I know the thing I am sharing is trust worthy. I think I could prevent my privacy being invaded online by showing as little information about myself as possible. I don't think I will be haunted by anything I post because I am very careful with what I post.

      What I think is the biggest issue for young people with digital access and privacy is that they will post things they will regret in the future and it could possibly hurt their possibilities for future jobs.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Assignment #2: Privacy Please

1. Our medical records should be all digitally stored online for all medical professionals to access within the hospital when needed.

- Easier to access, could find them yourself
- Less chance of records being lost
- Cheaper than putting your records on paper
- Hackers can break the system and see your personal information
- When changing things like this, a lot could go wrong
- If the programs were down your records could not be reached

2. School report cards and daily attendance should be digital and passwords should be issued for parents to log in and check results.

- Parents would have access to their child's report card files all the time
- Would help the parents keep track of how their child is doing in their classes
- Would make it easier on teachers, they would not have to print out hundreds of report cards
- It would have to be updated a lot
- Parents may not have access to internet, so they can not check
- Parents might not have the time to check

3. Voting should be done 100% online for both provincial and federal elections starting in 2017.

- Easy to do
- It would be private
- More people may want to vote
- People could vote more than once
- People may be able to see who you are
- People may not have the internet, which means they could not vote

Assignment #1: Fast Internet Speeds in Canadian Small Towns

1. Some of the internet connections in rural communities are 100mbps.

2. These communities are getting faster Internet speeds than what is even being offered by Canadian Telecom companies like Bell, Rogers or Shaw because Wightman Telecom is family owned in run in these communities.
3. Harriston is fortunate because Wightman Telecom has forward thinkers and are already ahead of the curve in terms of wanting to provide the best technology.
4. The community of Olds decided to build their own fibre network because businesses were threatening to leave because of the challenges faced by slow internet. They payed for it by using government grants and loans.
5. When Stratford installed its own fibre optic network they developed a reputation as an IT hub.
6. Bell installed fibre optics in more than a million premises in Atlantic Canada and also to Northern Ontario.
7. Small towns and communities need high speed Internet more than ever to keep employers and residents from fleeing to hooked-up cities.
8. The federal government supplied 305 million dollars to increase Internet access in Canada .